Recon SSH error

New Contributor III

I get the following error on about 15 of 30 iMacs when trying to enroll a computer lab.

A connection error occurred: SSH failed to start up session with host '' (kex error : did not find one of algos diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 in list,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 for kex algos)

I've tried everything from removing the framework via Terminal and deleting from JSS to reformatting the drive and starting from scratch on one the offending computers.

Any thoughts?

They're Early 2009 iMacs running El Capitan.



Valued Contributor II

This sounds more like SSH is fubared on the machine and not a jamf issue. Can you enable 'remote login' in System Prefs -> Sharing? If so, can you 'ssh testuser@localhost' on the command line of one of those things?

I recommend you watch the log file. If this is a lab computer, I suspect that ssh was messed up after installing some lab security software or something on it.

New Contributor III

It was a local machine issue. I ended up doing a nuke-and-pave on all of the machines and all was well.

Contributor II

I am seeing this issue today as well, on a machine with 10.11.5. I can ssh into the machine from the command line, but any ssh operation in Recon fails with the error above.

Contributor II

Nevermind, this was fixed in my case by upgrading a client's outdated Recon app.