Refreshing package list in Casper Admin?

New Contributor III

I might be being a bit dense here, but is there any way to refresh the package list in Casper Admin? I'm setting up multiple new packages, and I'm using one laptop to create them and copy them to the distribution point, while another machine has Admin open to index and set options on them, and then test them with Casper Remote to a 3rd machine.

My problem is, as I copy new packages over to the distribution point, they don't show up in Casper Admin unless I exit and relaunch the app. That causes it's own problems, as it doesn't appear that Casper Admin is correctly unmounting the distribution point, so when I try to relaunch it, it can't connect. The only thing I can do to get back into Casper Admin is restart the laptop. This is obviously all very inefficient.

I looked around the various options in the app, and refresh doesn't seem to be one.


Contributor III

I don't think there is a refresh in Admin like there is in Remote. But why not just open Admin on the machine you have the new package and drag and drop it in?

Valued Contributor

You just need to Quit Casper Admin, Then Re start and it should show all new Packages etc..

New Contributor III

@roiegat - I'll have to plead ignorance on that one... I honestly didn't know that you could drag it straight to the package list. Thanks for teaching me something new!

@kerouak - The problem is that closing and reopening doesn't work. It locks the distribution point open and when I try to relaunch the app it can't reconnect to the distribution point. However, roiegat's suggestion to just open Admin on the machine that has the packages and drag it straight in to the admin window works just fine.

Thank you both for your responses.

Valued Contributor

It's best practice to drop them into the Admin GUI. Admin examines packages as they come in - you aren't going to get non flat packages zipped if you drop them on the share.

Casper Admin is not good about un-mounting my DPs either, since about 9.63. I use a little Automator app to launch Admin (two actually, one for Prod and one for Stage). which unmounts the shares and changes the JSS URL to the right environment:

defaults write com.jamfsoftware.jss url "" #if you need to switch between environments
[ -e "/Volumes/YourDPVolumeName" ] && diskutil unmount "/Volumes/YourDPVolumeName" #unmount DP if it is mounted
exit 0

Then Automator launches Admin....just saves a little bit of time.

Valued Contributor

oh, sorry, never read all your post.. Think this is the only way tho..

Valued Contributor III

You don't need to restart just unmount the share from the command line with something like.

umount /Volumes/THE_CASPER_SHARE

do an

ls /Volumes

first to get the name.
But yeah second the advice to add it through Casper Admin, it does a fair bit more than just copy it across.