Posted on 11-18-2009 11:08 AM
I followed the directions at to create a hidden admin
account for use with the JSS. It worked great, but I also want to be able
to set that account as the only account with access to Remote Login and
Remote Management in the Sharing preference pane. The Remote Login service
can see the hidden account, but the Remote Management service cannot. It
only shows the (non-hidden) local accounts on the machine.
Is there any way around this? Can I script it in Terminal?
Posted on 11-18-2009 11:11 AM
I've done that in the past and I think you need to set it up in system
preferences before you hide the account. I can't confirm that right now
Cody Smedsrud
Educational Technology Associate
Success Charter Network
34 West 118th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10026
646-747-2370 (office)
646-842-0981 (mobile)
212-457-5659 (fax)
cody.smedsrud at
Posted on 11-18-2009 11:19 AM
You can config from the Terminal using the kickstart command:
-activate -configure -access -on -users arduser,admin -privs -all -restart
-agent -menu
That will set the users arduser and admin to have all access to Remote
Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at
The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475
Posted on 11-18-2009 11:20 AM
Oh, and you do not need to set this before making the user hidden. I use
the following in a post image script:
dscl . create /users/arduser
dscl . create /users/arduser name arduser
dscl . create /users/arduser passwd "*"
dscl . create /users/arduser uid 499
dscl . create /users/arduser gid 499
dscl . create /users/arduser home /usr/var
dscl . create /users/arduser home /var
dscl . create /users/arduser shell /bin/bash
dscl . merge /groups/admin users arduser
# now set the passwd for the arduser user
dscl . -passwd /Users/arduser password
# now add arduser to the sudoers file
echo "arduser ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
# now hide the arduser user from the loginwindow process
mkdir /var/temp/
cp /Library/Preferences/
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList
-array-add arduser
# now Activate Remote Desktop Sharing, enable access privileges for the
users "arduser", grant full privileges for the users "arduser", restart
arduser Agent and Menu extra:
-activate -configure -access -on -users arduser,admin -privs -all -restart
-agent -menu
Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at
The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475
Posted on 11-18-2009 11:33 AM
I do compiled configurations and post image shell scripts for this
stuff, here is the snip from my script that does this
######################################## # This is a post image script for student laptops # This script will do post configurations # # This is for the 2009-10 school year # Kansas City, KS Public schools # # By # # Thomas Larkin # # #########################################
# set all variables here, these are hardcoded for the rest of the script
# will use echo for logging and debugging
# # WARNING!!!!! THIS SCRIPT REQUIRES THE JAMF BINARY # # Local admin accounts # only edit the variables of this script for future usage
admin1_long="Hidden Administrator" admin1_short="hadmin" admin1_passwd="mypassword ( mailto:Kckm at cbk$ )"
/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount -username "$admin1_short" -realname
"$admin1_long" -password "$admin1_passwd" –home
/private/var/$admin1_short –shell “/bin/bash” -hiddenUser -admin
# info for local admin account 2
admin2_long="ARD Viewer" admin2_short="ardview" admin2_passwd="mypassword2"
/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount -username "$admin2_short" -realname
"$admin2_long" -password "$admin2_passwd" –home
/private/var/$admin2_short –shell “/bin/bash” -hiddenUser -admin
# now enable root, set the password below inside the quotes
/usr/sbin/dsenableroot -u $admin1_short -p $admin1_passwd -r
/bin/echo "done creating local accounts"
# Now we will move any applications we don't want users to have access
to from
# the applications folder to /Applications/Utilties and have MCX
disallow apps to
# run from /Applications/Utilies on managed user accounts
# put full app paths in here spaces are allowed if you stay inside the
app_list=( /Applications/AppleScript/
/Applications/Time )
# now move those apps
for file in "${app_list[@] ( mailto:app_list[@] )}" ; do
if [[ -e $file ]]
then /bin/mv $file /Applications/Utilities/
else /bin/echo "$file already moved" fi
/bin/echo "done moving apps"
# # Now set some network preferences #
# require admin rights for ad_hoc creation
/usr/libexec/airportd en1 -ibss_admin 1
/bin/echo "adhoc networks require admin set"
# ensure that airport and ethernet are set to DHCP & set IPv6 off
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off Ethernet
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off Airport
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setdhcp Ethernet on
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setdhcp Airport on
# enable remote log in, ssh
/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin on
# enforce clear text passwords in AFP
/usr/bin/defaults write "afp_cleartext_allow"
# now install the wifi network
/usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger addwireless
/bin/echo "network configuration complete"
# # ensure remote desktop is enabled for our local admin accounts #
# now set access to remote desktop, refer to admin 1 and admin 2 from
-configure -users $admin1_short,$admin2_short -access -on -privs -all
/bin/echo "ARD client configured"
The script is in the red color text. It is not the whole script just
the part that creates the account and configures remote management
Posted on 11-18-2009 11:56 AM
Ug let me try that again... There was a formatting issue since I used
the @ symbol in the sending this in plain text this time
######################################## # This is a post image script for student laptops # This script will do post configurations # # This is for the 2009- 10 school year # Kansas City, KS Public schools # # By # # Thomas Larkin # # #########################################
# set all variables here, these are hardcoded for the rest of the
# will use echo for logging and debugging
# # WARNING!!!!! THIS SCRIPT REQUIRES THE JAMF BINARY # # Local admin accounts # only edit the variables of this script for future usage
admin1_long="Hidden Administrator" admin1_short="hadmin" admin1_passwd="mypassword"
/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount - username "$admin1_short" - realname
"$admin1_long" - password "$admin1_passwd" –home
/private/var/$admin1_short –shell “/bin/bash” - hiddenUser - admin
# info for local admin account 2
admin2_long="ARD Viewer" admin2_short="ardview" admin2_passwd="mypassword2"
/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount - username "$admin2_short" - realname
"$admin2_long" - password "$admin2_passwd" –home
/private/var/$admin2_short –shell “/bin/bash” - hiddenUser - admin
# now enable root, set the password below inside the quotes
/usr/sbin/dsenableroot - u $admin1_short - p $admin1_passwd - r
/bin/echo "done creating local accounts"
# Now we will move any applications we don't want users to have access
to from
# the applications folder to /Applications/Utilties and have MCX
disallow apps to
# run from /Applications/Utilies on managed user accounts
# put full app paths in here spaces are allowed if you stay inside the
app_list=( /Applications/AppleScript/
/Applications/Time )
# now move those apps
for file in "${app_list[@] }" ; do
if [[ - e $file ]]
then /bin/mv $file /Applications/Utilities/
else /bin/echo "$file already moved" fi
/bin/echo "done moving apps"
# # Now set some network preferences #
# require admin rights for ad_hoc creation
/usr/libexec/airportd en1 - ibss_admin 1
/bin/echo "adhoc networks require admin set"
# ensure that airport and ethernet are set to DHCP & set IPv6 off
/usr/sbin/networksetup - setv6off Ethernet
/usr/sbin/networksetup - setv6off Airport
/usr/sbin/networksetup - setdhcp Ethernet on
/usr/sbin/networksetup - setdhcp Airport on
# enable remote log in, ssh
/usr/sbin/systemsetup - setremotelogin on
# enforce clear text passwords in AFP
/usr/bin/defaults write
"afp_cleartext_allow" 1
# now install the wifi network
/usr/sbin/jamf policy - trigger addwireless
/bin/echo "network configuration complete"
# # ensure remote desktop is enabled for our local admin accounts #
- activate
# now set access to remote desktop, refer to admin 1 and admin 2 from
- configure - users $admin1_short,$admin2_short - access - on - privs -
/bin/echo "ARD client configured"
06-27-2022 08:17 AM - edited 06-27-2022 08:21 AM
Hi All, In the past this has worked fine for me (Catalina and older we skipped Big Sur), but now in Monterey it doesn't seem to work anymore with a hidden account. I tested the same command with a non hidden account and it works. I was just on the phone with Apple support but they hung up on me after putting me on hold for like 20 minutes, hopefully they call back lol
This is my two lines i use
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -allowAccessFor -specifiedUsers -restart -agent
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -users admin -privs -all -restart -agent -menu
and i also send out the MDM command before or after those, doesn't seem to make a difference except if i dont send the MDM command i cant control or observer, after the MDM command i can control and observer but no advanced functions.
Has anybody else seen this issue?