Remote session with Elevated Privelages 10.14 and higher using Bomgar

New Contributor III

We have encountered an issue, now that all of our machines are running 10.14 or higher. When we need to remote into a user's machine, if they do not have admin privileges to allow access for Bomgar we cannot control the Mac.

As a workaround for the time being, since we are currently work from home, I have had to promote these users to admin, which is less than ideal.

Is there a way to configure a policy that would allow Bomgar access to control the local machine without user intervention?


Contributor III

I have a Self Service tool that creates an admin user, and a LaunchDaemon set for 20mins that runs a policy to remove the user. It also opens our help website in the default browser. The remove policy has a custom trigger as well as a login trigger. This gives the tech a temporary admin account they can use to elevate the session or to unlock or install things.