Posted on 08-22-2014 04:53 AM
500+ laptops were deployed to staff. All have the same OSX 10.9.4 base image. When the image was created, an apple id was entered to do the software updates and system updates. Now, each laptop is looking for that same apple id to download the updates to the applications within iWorks and iMovie. Is there a way via the JSS to remove/uninstall the iWorks suite and iMovie from each laptop so that I can have the users manually download the applications on their own using their apple id's?
We manually deleted the apps from one of the laptops to test. After doing so we were able to download the apps under the personal apple id of the Mac Air's owner. So I know that method is always an option, however it requires an email to all of the users and relies on them being able to uninstall an application. I would much rather do this silently in the background and have them only worry about installing it via the App Store.
Posted on 08-25-2014 12:47 PM
sudo rm -rf /Applications/{ApplicationName}.app/
Someone may want to chime in with a script for how to get rid of the app icon in the dock.