Remove login window banner text

New Contributor

Ok, this is driving me crazy.

I migrated an enrolled computer to a new, not enrolled one. 

On the enrolled computer, there was a profile defining a custom message below the login fields. When I migrated, even if no profile is on the machine, this text remain.

I added a new text under the Security preferences, which displays when I am already logged in, but the old, managed text, still displays after a restart when no one is logged in, before the disk decryption.

Any clues on how to remove this?


Valued Contributor III

Not sure this is the issue you are seeing .. I know when I had to change it years and years ago it was a pain... and I don't think I was ever able to get all three CIS locations to work in one policy it might have been three policies one for each location.. that said I am sure the answer is here on Jamf Nation ... here is the 1st one I found