Removing Jamf from my personal machine without rebuilding

New Contributor

I've used my machine to access a client's intranet, but in order to gain access, I had to install jamf.

My current version of jamf is:

$ jamf -version

Today, there was a dialog on my computer insisting that I had to upgrade my OS, without an obvious way to dismiss it.

That's fine, I discovered in Activity Monitor that the jamfHelper was responsible and I could easily kill this. Aside: I'm running the latest security patched version of MacOS Sierra and don't have time to test an upgrade to High Sierra right now

I just want out. It's my machine, but has this software on it.

:triangular_flag: How do I remove it with it taking out a bunch of stuff which I still need?

I'm concerned about running sudo jamf -removeFramework as I just don't know what it does.

Killing the `jamf* precesses just launches new versions of them.

Here's what's currently running after some recent kills:

$ ps -ef | grep jamf
    0 68775     1   0 11:34am ??         0:00.33 /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf launchDaemon -enforceRestrictions -monitorNetworkStateChanges
    0 68852     1   0 11:34am ??         0:00.08 /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamfAgent
  501 68906 68221   0 11:35am ttys019    0:00.00 grep jamf

:triangular_flag: Is there an easy way to prevent the jamf daemon from launching?


Contributor III
sudo jamf removeFramework

Valued Contributor

ditto on what @davidhiggs said.

I'm concerned about running sudo jamf -removeFramework as I just don't know what it does.

Why are you concerned? It removes the Jamf binaries, which is what you want to do.

Valued Contributor

sudo Jamf -help.

Will give you the explanation of "Jamf -removeFramework" which is exactly what you're after.

Or call the IT department of the client who made you install it and ask.

Valued Contributor II

heres the 2 cents

Daemons alone.. why not just modify or move the Launch Agents & Daemons? (/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.*.plist) & (/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.agent.plist)

Since it is your machine, you can do it with a click (after a few lines of scripting) why not make script/application

The script runs, disables / kills jamf process, moves the jamfsoftware startup launch agents and daemons to a hidden folder

Then have another script/app that moves these back when needed & activate the plists or boot the machine so casper is magically back running.

This is from one of our generic client machines


You can always do a Verbose & Be sure to remove MdmProfile as well.. i do the following when wacking a machine.

sudo jamf removeMdmProfile -verbose

sudo jamf removeFramework -verbose

& then remove computer from the JSS

What is Removed you ask??

jamf binaries /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf - The binary used to execute most tasks for the Casper Suite. /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamfagent - Agent launched per user account to work in conjunction with the LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents to report on specific user data. /usr/local/bin/jamf - Symbolic Link to the jamf binary so it can be found in the default search paths. /usr/local/bin/jamfagent - Symbolic Link to the jamf agent binary so it can be found in the default search paths. LaunchDaemon/LaunchAgent /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist - Used for recurring check-in to the JSS. /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.startupItem.plist - Used to call the management framework check-in script. /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon.plist - Used for Application Usage, Network State Changes, iBeacons, FileVault information sent to JSS, Restricted Software, notifications, and Self Service actions. /Library/LaunchAgents/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.agent.plist - Used in conjunction with the com.jamfsoftware.daemon.plist for tasks such as Application Usage, Restricted Software, and Self Service actions. Property Lists /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist - Defines the JSS URL, Management Framework Change ID and security settings such as SSL verification, clock skew, and package validation. /var/root/Library/Preferences/ - Used to store the defined login/logout hooks for the system. Jamf Application Support Directory /Library/Application Support/JAMF/.blacklist.xml - Contains list of Restricted Software. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/.userdelay.plist - Contains policies that have been deferred. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ - Application used to display messages to an end user. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/Management - Application used to display messages to an end user in the macOS Notification Center. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Composer/ - Contains working directory for Composer to save package sources. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Config/ - Contains JSS defined iBeacons. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/ - Temporary storage for downloaded packages. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/JAMF.keychain - Enables certificate based authentication with JSS. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/ManagementFrameworkScripts/ - Script that is called by the com.jamfsoftware.startupItem.plist to enable a check-in to the JSS at startup. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/ManagementFrameworkScripts/ - Script that is called by the to enable a check-in to the JSS at login. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/ManagementFrameworkScripts/ - Script that is called by the to enable a check-in to the JSS at logout. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Offline/ - Contains the contents of the policies marked to be Available Offline. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Receipts/ - Contains receipts for all packages installed by the Casper Suite. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/run/ - Temporary Storage for FileVault key prior to submission. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Self Service/ - Contains Self Service plugins. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/ - Contains temporary storage for logs and other files. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Usage/ - Contains the application usage data to be sent to JSS. /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/ - Contains temporary storage for Cached Packages. Jamf Client Log /var/log/jamf.log - Contains a record of what the jamf binary does. SOURCE:
Looking for a Jamf Managed Service Provider? Look no further than Rocketman

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