Reset Software Update Cofiguration profile (or remove users from configuration profile)

Valued Contributor

I have users connecting to an internal update server that I'm taking offline and would like to point these users to apple's software updates server during this time.

How can I accomplish this?


Valued Contributor

Nevermind, delete the configuration profile in the JSS then run

sudo /usr/local/bin/jamf removeSWUSettings

on clients and that clears things out.

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor

Nevermind, delete the configuration profile in the JSS then run

sudo /usr/local/bin/jamf removeSWUSettings

on clients and that clears things out.

Valued Contributor II

if it's coming from a configuration profile, removing that profile should remove that setting. Then you may follow that up with a

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --clear-catalog
softwareupdate: Changed catalog to Apple production

and you should be back to normal. Try verifying with a

defaults read /Library/Preferences/

Valued Contributor

It was coming from a configuration profile but even after removing the configuration profile the settings were still defaulting to our internal servers. This line here did resolve the problem. I find this... strange.

sudo /usr/local/bin/jamf removeSWUSettings

I did try the things you mentioned, though. They had no effect for some reason.

Valued Contributor II

I've experienced it where I have to do a remove framework to get everything JAMF off of it, then it removes the corrupt profile. Re-enroll and things are fine.

I do wonder if its related to MDM. Trying to manually remove stubborn profiles with a

profiles remove -identifier stubborn-uuid-of-profile
profiles remove for identifier:'stubborn-uuid-of-profile' and user:'admin' returned 101 (Profile is not removable.)