Retiring Equipment

New Contributor

Just looking to ensure I'm covering my bases here. We have a lab of old iMacs that we are retiring as we are replacing them all with M1 iMacs.

My current process is to run a fresh install policy that includes the --eraseinstall option to wipe the machine. Once this is completed, I go in and remove the machine from Jamf Pro. My intention is to wipe these computers remotely and have little need to touch them beyond that before retiring them. I don't have them scoped to any pre-stage enrollments that they'd latch onto when they reconnect or anything.

Is this sufficient or am I missing something? Anything else I should consider?


Legendary Contributor III

If they are being completely wiped and NOT re-enrolled into Jamf in any way and they are not enrolled into something like ABM/ASM or have been released from those programs, then generally speaking that is enough.

Of course that can also depend on what kind of data is on them and how important it is that none of that data can ever be retrieved again using special tools. I'm guessing that likely isn't a big concern, but for certain sectors of businesses, it can be, so I just wanted to mention that. 

Thank you! Yes, these are lab machines so I’ve already considered the idea of tools that can recover data and determined that isn’t a concern with the nature of these particular machines. 

Thank you!