Return To Service error 405 at start

New Contributor II

The Return to Service app that I put on a group of iPads in June of this year (2024) has worked great. When I launch the app here in October, I saw an error inside a red box:

Error 405

<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x3005fc160> {URL: https://OurJSS:8443/api/v2/mdm/commands } {Status Code: 405,...

Does anyone have ideas about what might be happening or where I might look to get more info on the problem?



Contributor III

it looks like an issue with API, "Improper server-side permissions set on files or directories may cause a 405 response when the request would otherwise be expected to succeed." Check the API once. 


  "displayName": "displayName",
  "wifiProfileId": "1"

Check if there is any changes in the above