Revoke QuickAdd Pkg?

Valued Contributor III

Is it possible to revoke the enrollment invitation used in a QuickAdd package created by Recon? Once we expand our infrastructure into the DMZ and allow outside access to our JSS, I have to be able to stop this ad-hoc enrollment process (or limit it in some way by IP range).

We've been using QuickAdds for years in our processes, but without the physical and network auth security controls in place, these packages will become vulnerabilities. The end goal is to move to DEP or user-based enrollment only.



If you examine the QuickAdd you should be able to find the enrollment invitation as a long string of Numbers. In you MySQL Database there should be a enrollment_invitation Table where all the invitations are listed along. Theoretically you should be able to remove or invalidate the Invitation there. However i have never done any testing in that field. So use with extreme caution.


I have the same questionconcern. We have used QuickAdd packages, they are out there in the ether, I need a way to disable them in the event that bad actors get hold of the pkg.