Posted on 05-24-2011 05:50 PM
Good Morning,
In our environment, we have a Macintosh HD partition and a Data partition.
I'm trying to run a report on the Data partition size to get an idea of how much data the students are using.
I can see the information in casper in the gui under storage, but I have no idea how to run an advanced search on this and dump the results in a csv file?
Thanks in advance.
Mike Parker
It Dept.
Kambala (school)
Posted on 05-25-2011 03:34 AM
Have a look at the 'du' command
For example, try:
du -ch -d 1 /Volumes/data
as a start to give you an idea.
c print out overall total
h human readable
d depth of sub directories to display
Posted on 05-25-2011 08:14 AM
df may be faster, but du will work
Posted on 05-25-2011 09:15 AM
I think his question was how to search/report on inventory using this information (which is already in Casper). I've encountered some information fields myself that should be searchable but aren't...
Posted on 05-26-2011 02:28 AM
Ah, I see. Yeah, you don't appear to be able to pull the partition info, but run a df or du, depending on what information you require, as an extension attribute and then you can do an advanced search on that.