Posted on 11-24-2010 12:35 AM
This is a really bad question, I know... but how do you run a script
with arguments through a policy? For instance, I'm running the removal
script for Symantec Anti-Virus and need to supply some flags to the script.
I see you can add custom parameters, but those are different I'd assume
than what I'm looking for.
Thank you,
Posted on 11-24-2010 01:00 PM
Nope, that’s right where you want to be. Those parameters are passed as variables $4, $5, etc to the script. If you need a sample, take a look at the Resource Kit for how they are using these parameters with their “” script.
James Fuller | Technology Application Services | application developer II | V: 206.318.7153
Posted on 11-24-2010 01:19 PM
I'm not sure if that's what I'm looking for... that looks to be if you are
wanting to populate a variable within the script itself. I want to pass
arguments... for instance:
I want to run which is on the dist points. When running this
policy, I want it to actually run the command " -a -b -c".
I suppose I could wrap this in a package... plop the script down on disk
somewhere and as a postflight run the script with the correct arguments. I
would assume though that there is a more elegant way of doing this.
Posted on 11-24-2010 01:55 PM
You could always set your own variables in a source file. This comes in
useful when you need a set of hard coded variables that multiple scripts
can source.
Right at the top of your script you can source it, like this
source /Volumes/CasperShare/Scripts/
Then all scripts in the future can source those hard coded values. I
know you can set parameters with the Jamf binary but I have honestly
never tried that. I would be interested to know how it works out if you
do go that route.