SCEP cert expired...?

New Contributor III

Hi everyone,


I'm a bit confused on this one. The MDM profile on the user's machine was about to expire so I manually sent out a "renew MDM profile" command.

It worked with the exception of the SCEP cert. I'm honestly not sure what to do for it at this point. Any ideas?



Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 4.32.23 PM.png


New Contributor III


Please don't hijack my thread. You are asking a different question and should create your own thread.


Did you get a resolution to this? We recently renewed our push notification cert and topic number matches the machines but we still have a lot of expired SCEP certs as well. I know these things are suppose to auto renew

Contributor III
Contributor III

@shalas The post has been removed. 

Contributor III

Did you ever get a solution to this? We have several computers in our fleet that are suffering expired SCEP certificates.

New Contributor III

Hey there, 

I did get it resolved, but it was some time ago. I believe I had to use the Jamf API console. If memory serves me well, I grabbed the computer ID from Jamf Pro and used "jamf-management-framework" to redeploy (about half way down the list).

I also reinstalled the cert/mdm profiles on the computer afterwards for good measure.



New Contributor

Thank you!