Screen Saver setting causes corrupted Library

Contributor II

I'm building some imaging workflows and have captured some settings using Composer, User Environment, save as disk image, then deploy with FUT (Fill User Template) turned on. I am using Casper 9.82 on Yosemite both for capture of preferences and deployment. So far the following are working fine:

Desktop Pattern
Finder Preferences
Global Preferences

But deploying Screen Saver results in a corrupted library dialog on login and the OS seems unable to repair it at that point, resulting in an endless loop that can only be broken by command-option-shift-q to logout and hitting cancel a few times, then restarting, deleting the home directory of the account and logging in again.

Not sure why this is happening and it isn't a big deal, just thought I would post it here so others can avoid the problem.

I'm capturing Terminal Prefs manually by saving into the default user template with a pkg installer. Ditto for /etc/motd which displays a warning to all Terminal users. I'm afraid I still like to set a number of user settings (default dock included) because I can. Going to a package-based workflow with Casper is certainly challenging in this regard, and each version of OS X seems to deprecate this kind of approach further.



Valued Contributor II

In my experience this is a bug with how FUT is handled. A few of us have seen this on all sorts of .dmgs intending to use FUT. Here are a few links... though I'm a bad jamfnation user and haven't opened a bug report with JAMF as I have moved away from most FUT endeavors anyways.

Esteemed Contributor III

Possible fix here.
