Posted on 07-23-2020 04:11 PM
I'm hoping to create a simple script that will add a computer to a pre-defined static group. I've seen multiple examples here in the forum, but they all appear to do much more than what I'm looking for (for example, we don't need anything that calls on if/then statements because we would only run a specific script against a specific computer). I'm hoping to create a workflow that goes something like this:
1. Create a policy with a custom trigger that runs the script in question
2. Add that custom trigger to an existing Self Service policy that is already built to install the software we that we need on that specific group of computers, as well as name it according to our standard schema. That policy is really just a collection of scripts that call on the custom triggers for all of the necessary software, and would be specific to the group that the computer would ideally be placed in.
To explain: This would be used at a University where students in certain majors receive laptops on their first day. These laptops are organized in static groups based on major and the year that they start, because the students then get to keep the laptop when they graduate. Using static groups helps us keep track of which major and which graduating class we need to un-manage at the end of their four years. So far, we've been using MUT to assign these computers to the correct static group after the student has received their laptop, but this often causes some lag time because we have to wait for the computer to enroll before using the tool.
To avoid potential hiccups in a zero-touch-deployment setup, we currently unbox the computer and make sure it enrolls successfully, then use Self Service to install everything and configure it based on how the computer will be used (faculty/staff, classroom, student, etc). Right now, this process is pretty much: Computer A is going to Prof. Blahblah, so I'll click the 'faculty setup' button in Self Service to have all of the standard faculty software, printers, networks added. We currently have similar one-click Self Service policies in place for each particular major, and would like to have that same policy add the computer to the group associated with that particular policy (haha, forgive me if that's a bit wordy...).
Any ideas on the easiest way to do this?
07-23-2020 08:05 PM - edited 03-22-2022 01:17 PM
@marlink This should be a good example of what you're looking for:
#!/bin/sh #API login info apiuser="USERNAME" apipass='PASSWORD' jamfProURL="https://jamfproserver:8443" ComputerName=$(/usr/sbin/scutil --get ComputerName) GroupID="1234" GroupName="Whatever the Group Name is" apiURL="JSSResource/computergroups/id/${GroupID}" #XML header stuff xmlHeader="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" apiData="<computer_group><id>${GroupID}</id><name>${GroupName}</name><computer_additions><computer><name>$ComputerName</name></computer></computer_additions></computer_group>" curl -sSkiu ${apiuser}:${apipass} "${jamfProURL}/${apiURL}" \ -H "Content-Type: text/xml" \ -d "${xmlHeader}${apiData}" \ -X PUT > /dev/null
The apiuser account for your JSS will require Update rights on Static Groups.
In Production you should use something like Encrypted Script Parameters so you're not passing around an account name and password in clear text.
Posted on 03-22-2022 01:07 PM
@sdagley Ive been attempting to use this script, and the only changes I made was using $4-7 for variables, however when being run from self service I am getting the following results:
Script exit code: 127
Script result: HTTP/2 200
date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 19:53:53 GMT
content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
set-cookie: AWSALB=p6UluP8Wecra5MhhgcEcr66etWLa9gIKEvIxHhF553rknc9F7Z4xj18hddURcEDd656hGaKX1h1rOB6r3N206ho1Kctg95DQ9OsaHywoFq9MS6iIWrgN6DaP+n9I; Expires=Tue, 29 Mar 2022 19:53:53 GMT; Path=/
set-cookie: AWSALBCORS=p6UluP8Wecra5MhhgcEcr66etWLa9gIKEvIxHhF553rknc9F7Z4xj18hddURcEDd656hGaKX1h1rOB6r3N206ho1Kctg95DQ9OsaHywoFq9MS6iIWrgN6DaP+n9I; Expires=Tue, 29 Mar 2022 19:53:53 GMT; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure
server: Jamf Cloud Node
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;
x-frame-options: DENY
cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0
accept-ranges: bytes
vary: Accept-Charset,Accept-Encoding,Accept-Language,Accept
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
set-cookie: APBALANCEID=aws.use1-std-pelican9-tc-5; path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><computer_group><id>693</id><name>00Remove Princeton Schools Profile</name><is_smart>false</is_smart><site><id>-1</id><name>None</name></site><criteria><size>0</size></criteria><computers><size>0</size></computers></computer_group>/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/zAddUserToStaticGroup(remove).bash: line 21: -H: command not found
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/zAddUserToStaticGroup(remove).bash: line 22: -d: command not found
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/zAddUserToStaticGroup(remove).bash: line 23: -X: command not found
03-22-2022 01:16 PM - edited 03-22-2022 01:19 PM
@GabePPS It looks like the forum software stripped the \ continuation characters for the curl command. Take a look at the post now and it _should_ have them (the new forum software leaves a lot to be desired regarding posts with code snippets)
Posted on 03-22-2022 01:20 PM
Id also assume if it change the computer_additions to computer_deletions, it would then remove the computer from the static group?
Posted on 03-22-2022 01:24 PM
Yep, it will.
Posted on 03-22-2022 01:29 PM
Im getting it completed, however its not adding or removing to the group. Does the name of the group have to have a specific format? Also can't we do this without using the group name, and just the ID?
03-22-2022 07:37 PM - edited 03-22-2022 07:37 PM
@GabePPS I've never tried with just the group ID. The original example I worked from included both and that's what I stuck with.
As to why your script isn't working, I'm not sure, but I'll refer you to which is @dlondon 's rework of the old Basic Auth script to use the new Bearer Token Auth mechanism. That will be required for API calls later this year so I'd suggest adopting it now.
Posted on 03-22-2022 01:56 PM
@sdagley This is what I'm seeing, which completes, but the computer in question never gets added to the group.
+ apiuser=xxx
+ apipass=xxx
+ jamfProURL=
++ /usr/sbin/scutil --get ComputerName
+ ComputerName=HS-Tech-30000
+ GroupID=693
+ GroupName='00Remove Princeton Schools Profile'
+ apiURL=JSSResource/computergroups/id/693
+ xmlHeader='<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?>'
+ apiData='<computer_group><id>693</id><name>00Remove Princeton Schools Profile</name><computer_additions><computer><name>HS-Tech-30000</name></computer></computer_additions></computer_group>'
+ curl -sSkiu xxx:xxx -H 'Content-Type: text/xml' -d '<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?><computer_group><id>693</id><name>00Remove Princeton Schools Profile</name><computer_additions><computer><name>HS-Tech-30000</name></computer></computer_additions></computer_group>' -X PUT
Posted on 07-24-2020 07:18 AM
@sdagley Oh wow, I didn't expect anyone to respond so quickly. Thanks so much! I'll definitely give this a shot!