Posted on
06:13 AM
- last edited
a week ago
Hello everyone,
I need help to create a new script and employ on my work. Can you help me?
I need a script that removes a user account from all computers if the user has inactivity for maybe 30 days.
I search about this task and only find removing from AD and removing from Mobile, and I want to remove it from computers that have the user account on it.
I'm new in JAMF world, so I am grateful for any help.
Best Regards.
Posted on 09-16-2019 09:27 AM
Any news?
Posted on 09-16-2019 09:35 AM
Read through this post:
Posted on 09-16-2019 09:36 AM
If you use FileVault 2 and do this, you're gonna have a bad time
Posted on 09-16-2019 09:50 AM
@tlarkin If you stick to using "sysadminctl -deleteUser" I think it won't let you delete the last secure token holder. I could be wrong though.
Posted on 09-16-2019 11:27 AM
When you re-add the user, you are gonna have a bad time, gotta do expect
Posted on 02-07-2020 11:27 AM
I'm after a similar script. I think what I want is this one: but for some reason it isn't working properly for me (see my reply to that post). I'm wondering if this is a Catalina thing? Or am I doing something wrong? I'm after a script that deletes local users (+home folders) after X days with the exception of custom set User accounts. The local accounts are not AD/Mobile Users but regular Local accounts.
Any help is much appreciated.
Posted on 02-10-2020 11:52 PM
@MagicMick I've added some comments into that post.