Posted on 01-24-2018 01:30 PM
Hi All,
I am trying to find a script that can
1. find the Computer Name
2.look for a Certificate in the System keychain based on the Computer name.
3. Export that Certificate to a file I can import later on.
I tried "security find-certificate -c" option but that assumes I already knew the name I was searching for.
Frantz Verna
Posted on 01-24-2018 02:26 PM
Getting the computer name in a script is easy enough. Using that to locate a certificate in the System keychain is also not hard. I'm not sure on the exporting though. Looking at the security
man page, specifically at the export
function, I don't necessarily see an easy way to export just the one certificate. It feels like there should be a way, but it's not very clear, and in fact it may not be allowed from a script (easy enough to do using Keychain
Maybe an internet search on "export certificate from keychain Mac script" with yield something useful though.
Posted on 01-24-2018 02:46 PM
OK I'll take a script for finding the computer name and using that to locate a cert in the system keychain if you have one! I've been searching for the single export feature with no luck but I may be able to Import a single certificate from a file.
Posted on 01-25-2018 08:15 AM
## Get the computer name
computerName=$(scutil --get ComputerName)
## Search the System keychain for a certificate with a matching name
keychainSearch=$(security find-certificate -c "$computerName" /Library/Keychains/System.keychain)
The above should locate a cert in the System.keychain that matches the name of the computer, if there is one. I'll let you take it from here to see how you want to handle the rest