Script to Rename Computer Before Installing Application

New Contributor III

I'm creating an installer to install the KACE agent on a Mac. I've gotten the installer to work correctly, but the issue is that I want to prompt the technician to rename the computer before it installs the KACE agent. Here's what I've got:


Prompt for computer name

ComputerName=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
tell application "System Events" activate set ComputerName to text returned of (display dialog "Please Input New Computer Name" default answer "" with icon 2)
end tell

Set New Computer Name

echo $ComputerName
scutil --set HostName $ComputerName
scutil --set LocalHostName $ComputerName
scutil --set ComputerName $ComputerName

echo Rename Successful

Installs KACE Agent

mkdir -p "/Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/data"
sleep 15
sh -c ' installer -pkg AMPAgent_8.0.152.pkg -target /'

Forces inventory

tell application "" activate delay 0.5 do shell script sudo("/Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin/runkbot 1 0") delay 1 do shell script sudo("/Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/bin/runkbot 2 0")
end tell

The issue is that the installer does not wait until the technician changes the computer name. I've tried separating the two steps into pre and post flight scripts, but it still doesn't wait.

So basically what I need to happen is Prompt For Computer Name > Update JAMF w/ Recon > Confirm Name Has Been Changed > Install KACE Agent.


Contributor III

Add a timeout to hold the process perhaps...


ComputerName=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
tell application "System Events" 
with timeout of 36000 seconds
set ComputerName to text returned of (display dialog "Please Input New Computer Name" default answer "" with icon 2)
end timeout
end tell

Contributor III

You could have the install in a separate policy with a custom trigger. Once the name is set run jamf policy -event <customtrigger>.

New Contributor III

@m.donovan I'm not entirely sure how to do that. I'm in the process of setting up JAMF for the first time and so it's not in production yet. I haven't used custom triggers as of yet.

New Contributor III

Per this:

Apple Events has a native 2 minute time out. You can extend that using the "with timeout" function like so:


ComputerName=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT
tell application "System Events"

with timeout of 60 seconds activate

set ComputerName to text returned of (display dialog "Please Input New Computer Name (CU-XXXXXX)" default answer "CU-" with icon 2)

end timeout
end tell

Set New Computer Name

echo $ComputerName
sudo scutil --set HostName $ComputerName
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName $ComputerName
sudo scutil --set ComputerName $ComputerName
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NetBIOSName -string $ComputerName

echo "Rename Successful"

exit 0