Search Domains

New Contributor III

Hey all-

Has anyone else experienced any strange behavior with Lion's DNS not searching in root search domains?

We have found that if we rely on DNS to provide the search domains for our machines, as we always have, it will only search the provided search domain (in our case, If we are trying to hit a server or alias that exists only in the root domain (, it is unable to resolve it. If we actually specify both search domains in system preferences, it works just fine. I have 2 questions related to this:

1) If we manually specify the search domains on both the Ethernet and Airport interfaces, is this going to cause issues when a laptop user is off network?

2) Is there a good way to find what interfaces are present and then iterate through them in a script so I can call networksetup for each one to specify the search domains?

Thanks for all of your help, this list is invaluable.

Benji Bergstein
Client Strategies
412.963.6200 x21386