self deleting startupitems


Hi People,

Im trying to write some startupitems that well delete themselves after they have run, Casper's FirstRun script uses the following command

/bin/rm -rf 'path to folder'

i have tried this and it doesnt delete itself

Criss Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Business Support Team
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University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
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New Contributor

I found some oddities with casper here, and since we use laptops and are not always downloading new policies, I created a launchd item and a script...the launchd item loads on boot and executes the script - the last two thing the script does is to securely delete the launchditem, and then the script itself...reboots if needed.


Valued Contributor

Why not use a "once per computer" or "once per user" policy?

Miles A. Leacy IV

? Certified System Administrator
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Certified Casper Administrator
voice: 1-347-277-7321
miles.leacy at

Contributor III

I have a few things that do this at startup without issue. I also utilize one of the features of the JAMF binary to make sure the network is up and the JSS is available before attempting the command. I had some Recon issues so I made a startup item recon that deletes itself after it's run.

Not sure if the list will pass the DMG, but if it doesn't let me know.

Craig E