Self Service 8.51 Erroneous Failed status

New Contributor III

After updating the JSS to 8.51, clients which are running the 8.51 Self Service app, are erroneously reporting Failed on every policy run.

However, checking the server, it is in black, not red, the logs report everythig is fine and indeed the software installs and everything happens as it should. It's just Self Service that thinks it's Failed.

I even made a Self Serve Policy that does absolutely nothing it still Fails in Self Service, but the logs are clean...

Anyone else having this issue?

The only odd things I could find in the logs are this (but like I said absolutely nothing still causes failure so I don't think this is it really):

4/10/12 6:08:07.786 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: installer is not entitled for
4/10/12 6:08:07.815 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: installer is not entitled for
4/10/12 6:08:07.816 PM Failed to authorize right '' by client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/installd' [74839] for authorization created by '/usr/sbin/installer' [74837]


Contributor II
Contributor II

Have you tried disabling http on the distribution point?