Self Service App not available for install?


I have Self Service set to "Neither (manual installation)" under Mobile Device Management. Under Mobile Devices > Mobile Device Apps I have configured the Self Service app (shows as version 9.98.1) to automatically install on a specific iPads that I've defined in the scope. When I go to those iPads, under Management it shows the following Pending command:

Command: Install App - Self Service Mobile - 9.98.1 Status: Pending - Application is not available to install

Also, under Apps there is nothing listed under VPP Type, Total Purchased, In Use, or Remaining like there is for all other apps.

Any ideas why I'm getting this message and why I can't seem to push Self Service Mobile?


Valued Contributor II

Hi @sedwards ,

I apologize if you've done this already, but did you go through the steps listed on our Manually Deploying Self Service Mobile for iOS KB?

There are some preferences that need to be set in the app configuration before it will deploy properly; if they're missing, it will not push out as expected.

If you've uploaded your VPP token to the JSS and it isn't populating after a few minutes, please get in touch with Support so they can take a look at your JamfSoftwareServer.log and see if there are any errors in there that might indicate a problem.

Were Wulff
Jamf Support


Yes. I did all of that. The Self Service app used to work. However, I just recently upgraded JSS to 9.100.0 a few weeks ago and now when I go into "Search VPP content" both my VPP accounts are gone. Even worse, when I click VPP Accounts and then hit the + to add a new account I get "This request could not be processed?"

How do I re-add VPP accounts that previously existed in my JSS?

EDIT: I fixed the issue. I had to migrate my users after the JSS upgrade and was then able to re-add my VPP accounts. Self Service appears to now be deploying properly.

Valued Contributor II


That's definitely not behavior we'd normally expect to see with an upgrade; glad it's working again, though!

Were Wulff
Jamf Support