self service apps just spin

New Contributor III

Has anyone come across trying to install self service apps but they just sit there and spin, and never install on an ipad? While others install just fine?


Contributor III

We have seen that fairly often. Troubleshooting steps I take:

  1. Go into JSS and refresh the VPP license. Sometimes that seems to shake it loose.
  2. Reset the iPad. Hold both buttons and hard-reset the ipad.
  3. Clear all Failed and Pending commands from the ipad and then do an inventory update. Then re-try to app install.
  4. Delete Self-Service (if you use the app) and then do an inventory update to force the SS reinstall. Don't know what's up with SS, but that is a very common fix for us.

New Contributor III

Thank you for these steps, I went through them all and noticed an immediate difference with refreshing the license. I was able to go to the self service app and technically install it, it didn't sit there and just spin anymore, but the app itself is still loaded on the ipad. I went into JSS, flushed all pending and tried again. Same result. I do notice that under history it shows all the apps that have been installed and this app in question is sitting there as pending. I have cleared that out as well, with the same results.

Contributor III

Thinking of other things...

  1. Some of our apps are not yet compatible with iOS 11. However there is no notification other than the app doesn't install. You need to goto that app's page (in the app store) to look.

  2. Every once in a while I run into an iPad that has no more space to install the app.

  3. This is kinda extreme, but I have fixed app install issues by downloading a new VPP cert from for your VPP account. The cert in JSS wasn't expired or anything but a 'refresh' of the cert did wonders.

New Contributor III

Hmmmm... those are good ideas. I will try that also. I have found 1 issue, these are very much managed devices. I do not have an apple id actually related to the device but I do have my vpp account. All other apps are great and work perfectly. I have noticed that with some of the apps, they require an apple id. Which... I do not allow in our school environment.

Contributor III

All of our kids K-12 have a Managed Apple ID. However, we have seen kids logout of their school account and login with a personal one. (don't get me started on allowing that! office politics!) I HAVE seen apps not install because of no Apple ID on the iPad now that you mention it.