Self Service Apps v. Existing Apps

New Contributor

I've been working on improving our Jamf Self Service and how we offer applications to our users and set up their initial computer.

Some of our users have had their machines migrated to Jamf from other MDMs or they were set up before we had some of our current Jamf practices in place. This means that even though someone may have Office installed on their computer, they will still see those individual apps for Word, Excel, etc in their Self Service store and they are available for installation.

Is there any way to change this other than having them uninstall and reinstall using the self service applications? I'd like to find a way for these previously installed apps to be "recognized" by Jamf so they don't allow people to install a second copy over top of them. I'm worried someone is going to click install on one of these and it's going to break their app because of conflicting versions or editions.


Valued Contributor III

use smart groups


Easiest way would be using smart groups as jamf-42 stated. But sometime inventory update could be tricky. Alternative way is you can create a initial script.


check_policies () {
  if [[  -d "/Applications/$1" ]]; then
      echo "$1 is installed" 
      echo "Could not find $1. Installing again"
      /usr/local/bin/jamf policy -event $2

check_policies "" "jamf_trigger_name" 


for instance if you have office policy with trigger install_office ->  check_policies "Microsoft" "install_office"