Self Service: blue boxes with question marks instead of icons

Contributor III

Under Mac OS X 10.9 and JSS 9.52, our Self Service looked ok. When some of the Mac clients were upgraded to Yosemite, the Self Service on those Yosemite clients would have "graphical glitches" (e.g., some of the custom icons would be replaced by blue squares with white question marks) in the Self Service application. The problem did not resolve itself after I upgraded the JSS to 9.63.

Other details:
1. Occurs with multiple Macs, all Yosemite. Mac OS X 10.8 and 10.9 Macs display the icons in Self Service with no problem.
2. The problem has been isolated to the client-side. For example, if you ever run Self Service without network connectivity, Self Service will give you an error message "Self Service has Encountered a Problem. Self Service was unable to load the page located at <real long URL>". Enter that URL in a browser (with network connectivity) and Self Service will launch in a browser. I am able to do that on Yosemite Macs and all the icons show up just fine.
3. Removing Self Service application and "re-installing" it by re-enrolling the problematic Macs has not changed the behavior.
4. Deleting the Self Service cache at ~/Library/Cache/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice has not resolved.
5. This thread has some good ideas, but did not solve in my situation:

Has anybody else seen or fixed this behavior?

I am working with JAMF on the issue but we have not yet resolved it.


Contributor III

you are not alone. We also have this issue and have a case open with JAMF. only 10.10 affected.

the logs show lots of errors like these;
Self Service[23526] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9846)
Self Service[23526] NSURLConnection/CFURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9846)
Fixing incorrect zfree from zone kalloc.16 to zone kalloc.64