Self Service completion message?

Contributor II

So I have Self Service running and it's great, people love it, not having any problems except one: When you click on something like, the last Flash installer or the latest Java install, the self service info windows changes to "Running policy..." and we get the progress bar, and when it's done... that's it. It just stops.

Now I know it's finished and that it was successful, but what I'm hearing from my end users is that they have no idea what happened. Is it finished? Do I need to click it again? See, there is no visual or otherwise feedback that tells you the install is completed. So what I'm looking for is a way to pop up a message that stays on the screen for a couple seconds that simply says "Install completed successfully."

Sorry I'm new to Casper and still trying to get the hang of it, but is there maybe a way to use the built in Jamf message thingy as a script, attach it to the policy that's set to run in self service, and tell it to run after the install is completed? Or is there a simpler way to do that? Or another way to do it entirely?

All I really need is a way of delivering feedback to the end user that the install has completed, so they don't install the same thing 5 times in a row because they think it didn't work the first 4 times. Yes, this has happened. Any ideas?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@znilsson, I have bad news, better news and good news.

Bad news - I had the exact same problem.

Better news - I developed scripts to address this issue:

I have more information about the scripts themselves available at the link below; see the "2. Surprises are bad. Test as much as you can to find issues" section

Best news - Casper 9.4's release notes mark this as a fixed issue. Search for "D-006199" in the release notes here:

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Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

The $4 variable is that first space in the Parameters section of the script settings in a policy.

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Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

You could go into the policy and in the User Interaction tab throw in a basic message to let them know the policy has finished running.

Contributor II

@emilykausalik I've tried that and got bupkis. The message I typed into the "complete message" box never shows up. Does anybody know if that complete message relies on communication with the APNs? Or is it self contained within the Casper infrastructure?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@znilsson, I have bad news, better news and good news.

Bad news - I had the exact same problem.

Better news - I developed scripts to address this issue:

I have more information about the scripts themselves available at the link below; see the "2. Surprises are bad. Test as much as you can to find issues" section

Best news - Casper 9.4's release notes mark this as a fixed issue. Search for "D-006199" in the release notes here:

Contributor II

@rtrouton Excellent - can you elaborate on the $4 variable? I'm pretty crap at scripting and I don't know where to set that. But the script itself does work, which is awesome.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

The $4 variable is that first space in the Parameters section of the script settings in a policy.

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Contributor II

@emilykausalik Got it. See, I have a noob icon for a reason. Thanks for your help, this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, and it looks like in 9.4 I can use the built in complete message.

Valued Contributor II

@rtrouton have you seen the Management fail to display notifications until you open it once? I'm wondering if you have found a way to add the app to the SQL DB under each user located in /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/

Release Candidate Programs Tester


I don't think I've used the Management for my Casper Self Service messages. Just jamfHelper and the jamf -message function. Those have worked OK without my needing to do anything special.

Release Candidate Programs Tester


You can also relabel $4 to name it something more human-friendly. I have a post on how to use Parameter Labels available here:

The re-naming is purely for human convenience. The computer will continue to see it as $4.