Self Service iOS app crashing

New Contributor

Hey JAMFNation,

We have a fairly large deployment of iPads in our district and use device assignment for our apps. Some install automatically others are only through Self Service. What we've been observing in the past few weeks (I'm talking after iOS 9.1.2 because we all know how that went...), is that when students need to redownload an app because it crashes immediately upon opening, Self Service is also doing the same thing. This is an issue if they need an app for a class they're currently in.

I know we can just have them delete it and we send an inventory update out, but we're talking about potentially a couple hundred a day. It gets old. We've already made sure that any app update options are disabled on our JSS as we know that causes issues as well. Just curious if anyone else is seeing this or has solved it for themselves.



Hey C_T, I am experiencing this problem too across multiple JSS's both at version 9.81 and 9.82. Self Service seems to be the biggest culprit, though it's not limited to that app. We too have been deleting the app as the workaround, however users are losing data... I have Automatically check for Software Updates Off under the updates section as well as under each app. I thought this problem had to do with App Versions. Can anyone explain further?


also just came across this again

New Contributor

@Jalves That thread seems to deal more with the App Update options, which should be disabled, in the JSS. Some of these kids are coming back day after day with the same apps crashing over and over.


We have had those options disabled as well since the beginning and we are still running into these issues. The problematic apps are always an older version. Today I am getting a lot of reports of the "Epic!" app crashing.The fix, has been to delete the app and re-install it (with the loss of user data within the app). The version that doesn't work reports as 1.21 in the device inventory and also as 1.21 in the App Catalog. When I delete and re-install, version 1.22 is installed, which is the latest version and that gets reported in inventory. It's only at that point the apps work again. Our apps work once they are updated or at least it seems that way... I'll let you know if I have any loopers... Are you taking notice of the App versions that are being instlled/ reinstalled on those devices as they come in?

New Contributor


i am having some of the same issues. everyday i have students with apps that are crashing, but open fine when reinstalled. sometimes the app needs updating and sometimes not. Problems have been Google Apps, Explain Everything, Notability, and sometimes Apple Apps. Seems very random - only 2 - 10 students a day.