Posted on 09-28-2011 02:01 PM
We are in the process of deploying Casper company wide. I am wondering what cool things people are doing with self service and policies. Any input would help!
Rich Dagel
Restoration Hardware
Posted on 09-29-2011 06:34 AM
Here goes in a nutshell what I use self service for
1) Optional software 2) User requested software (sort of optional, but like open source software a group of users request) 3) Software update 4) Anything that requires user interaction and must run as root
Posted on 09-29-2011 06:48 AM
I have printers in there as well. Some scripts in there for our help desk personnel to use. Font cache cleaning scripts. Disk permission repairs, and verify disk. In the past I used it to give users the option to pull software updates, but I have since moved to forced updates.
Brendon Cunningham
Senior Technical Analyst
Desktop Engineering
brendon_cunningham at
Posted on 09-29-2011 10:17 AM
Self Service has been really great here this Fall. We've gotten lots of
positive feedback from end users!
We used Printers to drive everyone there, and also rolled out our HelpDesk
ticketing system within Self Service.
Printers: this is so awesome! It was a lot of work getting them all in
there, (400+) but SO Worth it!
I have these scoped by subnet, so if a laptop comes into building, they can
install a local printer.
Printer drivers (if you see this message (screenshot) install this...)
Help documentation: ex: How to change Default PDF Viewer, About Your Server,
PDF downloads to Shared folder
Curricular Software by Dept (math, science etc) and by Grade Level
Fixes Like:
WebFilter Fix:remove and reinstall Lightspeed client
Cannot resume my Printer: lpadmin fix (policy, but also in Self Service)
Repair Permissions (with description of why you'd do this)
Clear Caches (with description of why you'd do this)
Shutdown times: these are preset, but I have a couple SS policies to change
to a LATE shutdown (8 pm 9 pm)
Stop the Time Machine Nag ( in case it returns)
I also scope some extra things just for the building techs, like a Bind
policy, and installations of Casper Remote and ARD ADMIN.
WebClip to WebHelpDesk Ticketing
WebClip to Apple's 101 grand tour
WebClip to Apple's Tutorial for PC switchers
Of course I can drop any package into SS as soon as someone buys a license
for something, scoped right to them.
I am also in the process of trimming down my bajillion custom configs and
will move toward more standard configs and then policies and SS to fill them
I currently have Self Service blacklisted on student computers.
Would LOVE to hear other ideas people have!!