Self Service Times?

Valued Contributor II

I'm testing self service being utilized more broadly in our environment.

I'm surprised how long the installs are taking (similar times for AFP and HTTP).

Taking self service out of the mix, I ran the policies manually using command below and saw similar times.
sudo jamf policy -id <id> -verbose

On Ethernet, 275 MB package takes 2 mins to install and a larger package 2.5 gigs takes 23 mins. Wireless times slightly slower. Can anyone comment if they see similar install times? These are all DMG packages.

Watching the verbose logging, I don't see anything wrong, but I'm just surprised the actual installs take that long. I can copy the packages from the file share locally in seconds so it doesn't seem to be file transfer related, just how long the installs take.


Contributor II

I often have similar results. I can copy a package manually via ARD and run the installer from the desktop in about half the time it takes to do it via SS. I can use Casper imaging and it works very fast. The same server supplies the files for both…

Legendary Contributor III

Out of curiosity, are any of your Self Service policies also running a Recon at the end of the installation? When you use the policy creation assistant, it turns that function on by default. If so, that could account for at least some of the length it takes to complete. Although it would like look the installation is still happening (progress bar in the app), it may in fact be running the recon submission in the background.

Valued Contributor II

I do run recon so hopefully I can catch ASR errors when/if they happen (we've had issues before). But, when I ran the policies manually in verbose mode I could time how long the recon took and it was about a minute and not included in times I gave above.