Posted on 03-22-2017 05:23 AM
I'd like to distribute our VPP app's via self service, however as it now currently stands you have to have a licence for every member of a scoped group. Therefore if i have a paid app that 20% of my user base may need it i need to buy licences for all users just so it can show up in SS for those who may want to install - a waste of 80% of licences and money.
I currently add a blank config profile and give it the icon of the App i want to distribute. I then make a smart group to check for this profile and scope out the VPP app to auto install to this group.
It does work, but is slow to get the app on the mac / messy leads to lots of groups and dud config profiles.
I was considering replacing this with maybe a script that could e-mail our help desk with a request for the app and then could just use a static group to drop users in that request.
i was looking for help with a way to script this or any better ideas on how to do this?