Set DNS - "not running"

New Contributor II

Hi All,


I am trying to set all my laptops DNS servers to Cloudflares. I set a test policy which does this:



I see it on my test laptop, but its showing as "not running". Is there a permission or something I need to invoke it?





New Contributor II

No thoughts from anyone?

New Contributor III

I'm having the same issue and found your thread. If you did find a solution let me know, otherwise I might put in a ticket with Jamf Support to see if they're aware of any issues.

Edit: Figured it out. The issue is the DNS payload is ignored when you have a content filter payload already deployed. In our case, it was Cisco AnyConnect, and removing it allowed the DNS filter to activate. It was listed as a known issue here: Known issues with iOS/macOS system Encrypted DNS (DoH) support - Troubleshooting - NextDNS Help Cent...