setting power setting in nbi

Honored Contributor

So, we are thinking that since our netboot installer has power settings for the client machine to go to sleep if idle affects the performance of AFP. Anyone else seen this also? We are all running either 10.5 or 10.4 netboot servers for imaging. Do any of you set any custom power settings in your .nbi file to ensure the client never sleeps while imaging? It seems that AFP throughput is greater when if the client never goes to sleep.



Contributor III

My netboot images are set to never sleep when I custom build them.

Currently on 10.6 default NetBoot images on 10.6 servers of course. But my older netboots on that server are set the same.

Craig E

Not applicable

Same here, although I still had some issues with them going to sleep when
there are not supposed to.

As a quick fix, I install "Caffeine" on the Netboot sets and use an
AppleScript to active it. This keeps them awake indefinitely.
Brad Rellinger
Technology Specialist
Anthony Wayne Local Schools K-12
brellinger at << New Email Address