yesterday - last edited 7 hours ago
To configure zoom for deployment with an MDM Zoom recommends putting us.zoom.config.plist into the /Library/Managed Preferences folder. i have been doing this with DepolyNotify using a policy with a package to put the file in the folder with no issues. I am now trying to replicate this with Setup manger. The policy runs during setup manager and says it installed (also Jamf logs shows this) but the file is not there. I also tried a policy with a script to create this file, it also said it succeeded but the file was not there.
Does /Library/Managed Preferences refresh its self or something when a user first logs in?
I accomplished this with a configuration profile. iMazing Profile Editor has all of the presets you need for Zoom.
Hi @BCPeteo ,
I agree with @_gsm .
You can create a plist using iMazing Profile Editor. Just a small addition when creating the plist:
/Library/Managed Preferences
and /Library/Managed Preferences/"AccountUser" upload it to the Configuration Profile and set the desired Device Scope.
Here is a screenshot of the working plist.
7 hours ago
Thanks for the info. I was able to get this to work by copying the us.zoom.config.plist file to /Library/Preferences even though the Zoom deployment support page says /Library/Managed Preferences. It looks like it checks both places. I'm a little hesitant to put it in a profile since it locks it down and we want to allow users to change things.