Shared iPad passcode problem

New Contributor II

We are a University with Apple School Manager and Federated Apple ID setup, devices managed by Jamf Pro. Recently we've seen an issue with new users signing in to our shared iPads. They sign in with the federated account details fine, are prompted to create a passcode as normal:


Then, when logged into the iPad, when the screen locks then the prompt to enter their passcode to unlock it is not the same as the normal federated one, its a numerical keyboard only, so they have no way of entering the alphanumeric passcode they just created:


I've found that resetting the users passcode within School Manager resolves the issue. But its not a workable solution to have to do this for an entire class during a teaching session. Has anyone else experienced this issue?


New Contributor II

Got this exact same problem! Have you found a permanent fix? It seems really here and there with it happening! Can't be handing the iPads out in this condition. 

Unfortunately we haven't resolved this yet. I'm hoping to get a contact for Apple's Education UK team through our reseller to see if they can help with this. We regularly come up against Shared iPad headaches and the documentation and user base online seems very limited!

Ah shucks, let me know as soon as you hear anything off of them as we need this issue resolving pretty fast. We have always ran into issue with these iPads and MacBooks. If only it 

it was easy to make Apple work well with "third parties"!

I've done a bit more testing on this. Once the new user account is created then it seems to work fine if that user logs into a second account. The screen lock passcode problem remains on the original iPad the account was created on, but not subsequent devices. Weird!

Thanks for letting me know, I will test this theory of yours as well but I do see where you are going with this as I also saw this when testing with one of the users. I will need to try this myself with our devices to see if I replicate your findings.

I have tested this as well and like you say, the error happens on the iPad which the shared passcode is setup on. Have you heard anything off of Apple regarding this?

New Contributor

Any update?

New Contributor

We're having the same issue.  We've recently federated our AzureAD users in college and converted ipads to shared devices.  It never asks to create a Passcode but demands one after the device locks.  You have to sign out the user and re enter using email and password.  I can't find anything in our Jamf policies that could be causing this.