Posted on 03-15-2011 09:08 AM
As I stumbled along with working on a consistently easy method for deploying Xcode and IOS SDK, ( thank you Travis and Miles)
I came to the conclusion that at least for me the best method is to;
deploy Apple's DMG Use simple script to mount the DMG, run the installer, unmount and remove
Along my journey I discovered, hdiutil mount -nobrowse
A nice little command to mount a DMG and not have it visible to the Finder. If you look in Disk Utility and also via terminal its there but an end user never sees it.
Anyone know if there is a way to hack this in to JSS?
Or better yet, is this available in version 8? ( we have not upgraded yet..)
I dream of a world where users never see disk images mounting on their desktops…
Below is the sh that I'm using to deploy xcode and IOS sdk.
hdiutil mount -nobrowse /Applications/.RGA/xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3__final.dmg
installer -pkg "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg" -target /
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/
rm -Rf /Applications/.RGA/xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3__final.dmg
Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator
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