Slow booting Mac without network connection

New Contributor III


we are experiencing a 50 sec longer boot up time when a Mac is not connected to the network.

If a Mac is connected to the internal network it takes up to 20 sec to boot after authenticating at the FV2 Log Screen.

If the Mac isn't connected to the internal network it takes about 1.10 min.

The Macs are bound to Active Directory and I already deactivated the mapping of the homeshare with:

sudo dsconfigad -sharepoint disable
sudo dsconfigad -useuncpath disable

The only success I had so far, I don't get any error messages about not being able to map the homeshare. I also shut off the wireless, but that didn't change a thing!

Any Idea how to see what is taking so long (log files) and how to speed up the boot process?

Thank you for your help!



New Contributor II

CMD+V keys straight after powering on will allow you to boot-up in verbose mode. That might give you clue.

Valued Contributor

The default wait time for detecting a network connect to a domain controller is close to 2 minutes. You can adjust it to be shorter. But you don't want to go too short or you won't get a ticket granted if the network is really there. You don't want a negative effect when the device is on the network.

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DSBindTimeout -int 10

The command above will set the DSBindTimeout to 10 seconds. If you search the JAMFNation for "DSBindTimeout", it appears that a lot of people are finding that between 10 and 20 seconds works in their environment.

One of the post explains how to enable the logging, so you can learn what time value works best for you. Yes, you might find that 2 seconds is great for a 2015 MacBook Pro. Just remember to take into consideration a MacBook Air with 4200RPM drive and a USB Network Adapter would be close to the slowest device that you would want to test different time values on.

New Contributor III

Thanks. That did the trick!

Now booting time is just as fast as with network.

How can I tell if there is a negative effect when the time (I set it to 10 sec) is to short?

Access the home share is working fine btw...