Smart Group based on NOT being in another group

New Contributor

At my school we have some classrooms with printers, so they are in their own smart group (based on room name) with a config profile set to that group. What I'd like to have is a Smart Group that would take all of my other classroom computers and place them into a group so that I can apply a generic config profile to them. But, for example, say a classroom get's a printer, I can make a new Smart Group for that room and they would get the new settings and leave the generic Smart Group.

I know I can make a Smart Group and specify specific groups that the machines are not part of, but that is a manual addition and I'd have to update that list every time I make a new Smart Group. I guess I'm looking for a Smart Group of machines that are not in any other Smart Group. Any ideas?


Valued Contributor

You can use the Computer Group criteria and set the operator to "Not a Member Of", the value can be any static smart group you've already configured on your JSS. You'll have to input each smart group you want to use as criteria, and I believe it's safe to put each criteria in its own parenthesis.

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