softwareupdate -iaR doesn't reboot bigsur

Contributor III

And, forcing a reboot with a reboot command doesn't install the update, even after the command in the subject says it succeeded and that it is "rebooting...", but it never does.  This is the same via ssh as root, sudo, or via policy. Trying to go from 11.2.3 to 11.5.2. 


Anyone have any ideas?





I've noticed that a user has to be logged in for the reboot to occur.

Correct.  This seems to be a "bug" on Intel versions of Big Sur, because I can't find anything in Apple's support documents that state it's supposed to work this way.

If there isn't a user logged in, the system will not reboot and install using the options in the softwareupdate tool as documented.

Valued Contributor II

There is an additional password prompt when using the command softwareudpate -iaR.  If you run it manually on a device you will see.


I think that is only on the new M1 processor. I don't believe it prompts on Intel.


should have been fixed in 11.2 already. but did not happen. update and reboot via mdm was the solution.....

Good to know, will give that a try!


I have tried update/reboot through MDM and still, the response from the machines was very hit and miss. You never knew if they really got it or if it really worked.

Contributor III

100% miss here.  I enabled all Software Update options in the MDM on Thursday and none of the systems have patched yet.

Contributor II

I just SSH in & use softwareupdate -i -a --reboot and it works, I can even send it through ARD as Root and it works, even on non-user login cause I'm already Authed. If you're doing it in the GUI, it may also not reboot due to a hanging App or background process. I've hit that snag a couple times. I have been pointing out to my coworker that the updates have not been going through, even with weekly scheduled reboot, since Big Sur.


If a user is logged it, you can ssh to the computer and softwareupdate -i -a -R and it works. But would you really ssh to a large number of computers. This is no option. Putting a Self-Service Policy and hoping the user does it regulary,hmmm don't know if that's an option. Not at our sites. MDM commands are too much fire and forget for the moment, doing via api is possible but not always working.... So this Enterprise software update is hopefully coming one day, not the user bases one2one possibilities we have nowadays.