Some iPads unable to connect to Self Service

Contributor II

We have a growing number of users reporting that their iPads cannot connect to Self Service. At the top of Self Service they get a message that says:

X - Unable to connect to server. Retry

It was initially only a handful of folks and we tried various fixes including:

(1) Resetting the iPad - less than ideal in some cases since they may lose work.
(2) Delete the Self Service app and let it auto-reinstall. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't - of course once self service is gone and won't come back, you're pretty much looking at a reset after that.
(3) Putting the iPad in Lost Mode and then removing it from Lost Mode. It honestly seemed to work a few times.

I would also add that we seem to have a bug related to Apple and our filter ContentKeeper. Previously, the CK-auth app would seamlessly use the credentials used to sign in the iPad during initial setup (Active Directory user) and apply those to when the user was using the internet/apps. But apple changed some code so that now the CK app sometimes requires the user to launch a browser and authenticate (without ever telling the user that they have to do that, of course).

Any other suggestions?
