Posted on 01-14-2016 08:01 PM
Hi All,
I'm trying to run the following script on El Cap to do user folder redirection:
# Determine USERNAME variable
username=$(ls -l /dev/console | awk '{print $3}')
# Determine NETHOME variable
netvol=$(dscl '/Active Directory/DOMAIN/All Domains' -read /Users/$username SMBHome | cut -d'' -f4)
netfolder=$(dscl '/Active Directory/DOMAIN/All Domains' -read /Users/$username SMBHome | cut -d'' -f5)
nethome=$(echo "/Volumes/"$netvol"/"$netfolder)
# Redirect the Documents folder
if [ ! -d $nethome/Documents ]
mkdir $nethome/Documents
rm -Rf /Users/$username/Documents
ln -s $nethome/Documents $HOME/Documents
# Redirect the Desktop folder
if [ ! -d $nethome/Desktop ]
mkdir $nethome/Desktop
rm -Rf /Users/$username/Desktop
ln -s $nethome/Desktop $HOME/Desktop
# Redirect the Downloads folder
if [ ! -d $nethome/Downloads ]
mkdir $nethome/Downloads
rm -Rf /Users/$username/Downloads
ln -s $nethome/Downloads $HOME/Downloads
exit 0
The issue I have is with the rm command lines, I get permission denied. Has anyone else seen this with deleting User folders? and if so, is it a SIP issue, and is there a way around it?
I have a lot of Multiuser lab machines for students, and I'm trying to stay away from Portable Home Directories.
Posted on 01-15-2016 06:42 AM
That's not SIP. I suspect you have a locked filed in the folder or something. Try deleting manually and see where you run into the error.
Posted on 01-15-2016 09:57 AM
This is probably due to ACLs on the folders. You can remove all ACLS with chmod -N as follows:
/bin/chmod -fN /Users/$username/Desktop
Also, I'm guessing that you have "Force Local home directory on startup disk" enabled.
If so, as far as I'm aware - the network home is not available until after you have logged in.
I don't know how you are implementing the script, but if this is part of some kind of LoginHook then
mkdir $nethome/Desktop - isn't going to succeed
Finally, I don't want to confuse matters, but if your not in charge of the shares, you can never be sure how the network home will be mounted.
I have the following SMBHome: MyServerDataStudent HomesActiveSiteB eststudent
...That the mount command show is mounted as follows:
//teststudent@MyServer/Data/Student%20Homes/Active/SiteB/teststudent on /Volumes/Data
...Meaning that network home for teststudent would be:
If you are in charge of the shares - then you'll know exactly how they mount and this won't be an issue.
Hope this helps.
Posted on 02-11-2016 03:34 PM
Finally got back to this!!
Thanks @Swift the chmod -fN does the trick!!