Target Mode Imaging Thunderbolt Connection.

New Contributor III

Running Casper Imaging 8.71 on MBP/MBA any time we try to imagine multiple computers in one sitting it will take the first 1-3 computers without a problem. As soon as we try more than that (it will also happen occasionally on the second computer) we won't be able to connect another target device without shutting down the Host computer. Anyone having a similar problem, or know how to resolve this?


Honored Contributor

I have another idea.
Build an external TB HDD.
Create multiple partitions on it (how many depends on you, but here's what I do).

1) Boot Partition with latest OS X (10.9.2 now)
2) CasperShare partition - a replica of the Master JSS DP
3) Free space for backups, tools, etc.

Boot from the Boot Partition.
Launch Casper Imaging
Select the local DP (#2 above)
Image away, as many as you like. I can image in about 1-2 mins this way. And the solution is portable.

Contributor III

@Eisiminger We had similar issues and found the behavior to be different based on the hardware (We initally tried using MacBook Air's) and the order in which the imaged machines were connected. This is work worked well for me.

13-inch MacBook Pro (Mid 2012) with Thunderbolt cable already connected and local distribution point on desktop.

The instructions sound elementary, but I would get 15-20 imaged per station (We had 16 stations, so around 300 per day) with minimal reboots required as long as we followed this process.

  1. Power on laptop, launch casper Imaging & start target mode imaging
  2. Connect Thunderbolt cable to machine to be imaged
  3. Target Boot the machine to be imaged
  4. Name & Complete Imaging
  5. Force Power Down
  6. Remove Thunderbolt Cable

New Contributor III

@freddie.cox thanks that seems to work a lot better!

Honored Contributor

@Eisiminger, the steps @freddie.cox provided are the correct way to use TDM (as has been since it was introduced) What were you doing? I just had assumed that's what you were doing and it wasn't working, hence the different direction I took.

New Contributor III

Well the only difference between what we were doing and now is that in between each machine we were leaving the Thunderbolt cable connected to the host machine, which we are now disconnecting between images. So far it looks to be a big improvement. We just did about 10 off one machine with no problem where before our high score was 6 before the issue set in.