TeamViewer Host - Configuration ID

New Contributor II

Hello everyone,

i wanted to roll out our new custom TeamViewer Host and everything works except that our custom design with the company logo is not displayed.


I did it exactly as in the instructions:


After the custom logo didn't show up, I kept searching and came across these instructions:

The groups and the membership works but unfortunately our custom layout does not. Am I missing something or have I done something wrong?


2024-02-16 11_39_23-FVFGN1MMQ05Q - Tim.Gundlach - TeamViewer.png2024-02-16 11_39_36-FVFGN1MMQ05Q - Tim.Gundlach - TeamViewer.png



New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi @tgd

I came across the same issue recently and found a way to properly deploy a TeamViewer customization through Jamf Pro. I thought others may find this info useful.

Here are my deployments steps:

  1. Create and download a custom TeamViewerHost DMG file in TeamViewer's admin dashboard
  2. This DMG file should have a name like "TeamViewerHost-XXX1XXXX23.dmg", save the ID "XXX1XXXX23" at the end of the file name for later use
  3. Deploy the TeamViewerHost app using your preferred method in Jamf Pro. Personally, I used the Jamf App Catalog method to automatically deploy the latest version of this app without having to upload a PKG.
  4. Create a policy, enable the payload "Files and processes" and add the following command in the field "Execute Command":
    xattr -w "com.TeamViewer.ConfigurationId" "XXX1XXXX23" /Applications/​
  5. This will tell TeamViewerHost to use this customization ID to fetch its config online
  6. Restart the TeamViewer app and your company logo should appear in TeamViewer

Note: If you want to manually test in Terminal before using Jamf Pro, ensure you're root to be allowed to run the xattr command.