TestNav App - anyone package it and deploy for non-admins?


I found out today that TestNav released an app for Mac OS instead of requiring the web based version. I tested it on my computer and it works fantastic. However on a student machine ( with no admin ), I get a bunch of prompts for the admin password and then it won't continue past Starting TestNav.

Has anyone out there successfully packaged this for deployment to non-admins?



New Contributor III

Hey @bbelew ,

I am looking at this as well. So, far so good. Pearson's documentation states the following:

TestNav program files are saved in Applications/TestNav. TestNav program file updates are saved in {user_home}/Library/Application Support/Pearson. You must give students write access to the update directory.

Are you deploying to a local standard account or directory/mobile accounts? It works well if you create the folders as a postinstall script and give the user write permissions.




It actually looks like my test machine is the issue. It prompts for admin access to all sorts of files when I run it, I tried a students machine and it worked flawlessly.

I just used composer to watch for added files and created the package that way. The ~/Library/Application Support.. stuff was created automatically when the app first opened without issue.

My test machine just needs set on fire I think :)

New Contributor III

Glad to hear you got it sorted out.