The certificate for this server is invalid error

Contributor III

I have set up a test Reposado server. I have the server synced and can see the plist in a browser. When I point my client at the server to test downloading updates, I see "The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be" This is the first web site I have ever set up on an OSX server.
What am I doing wrong?



Contributor III

Server is missing the SSL certificate. I wish I could help more but that's as much as I know. I know you can generate them using Certbot.

Hopefully this helps

Contributor III

@Asnyder I have a self-signed cert0021e6a85e704312aa04412c352957d2

Contributor III

Is it in the correct directory? I think it needs to be on the server itself somewhere.

Contributor III

@Asnyder It must be. Same cert is used by Jamf

Valued Contributor II

@CapU Did you ever get this working? I'm in the same boat trying to set up Reposado and can see the updates in a browser but get the same error when trying to check for updates. I'm also a n00b at setting up websites.

Valued Contributor II

...And as soon as I posted this, I think I have my problem solved. I'd created a few websites in frustration trying to get this to all work. I also created several certs, too. By making sure that my active site was using the correct certificate, it's now working as expected. Now to test.