Posted on 01-03-2025 11:37 PM
I have a few remote users that do not have the best internet connections and they randomly complain that it has gotten worse. Are there any EAs or scripts that can help troubleshoot what is going on?
The steps we start off with
Jamf also verifies updates are complete since they are standard users and not admins on our machines. We have also found disabling IPv6 helps with some sites. We have also disabled zscaler as a test and verified the firewall is not blocking the traffic.
Our latest complaint said their internet really slowed down when they got the 14.7.2 update.
I am putting together some EAs to see who they use for DNS and making sure we know which primary interface they use (most are wi-fi) in case it is a bum docking station.
Any tips would be appreciated!!
We are trying to craft a traceroute EA that is useful and not overflowing the EA results but have not found a good script yet. Are there other scripts I can use to see where the slowness might be happening?
Posted on 01-04-2025 02:33 PM
@Ahadub If all of your Macs are on macOS Monterey or later you could use EAs which collect data using the networkQuality tool Apple added with that OS release. There's a good blog post on this from @dan-snelson :
Posted on 01-04-2025 06:00 PM
Network issues usually fall very far outside of the domain of device administration, and are typically stuff network tech deal with. Things like VPN Clients (zscalar is more of a 0-trust client but I lump it in with VPN clients) can exacerbate network issues due to the added "weight" of encryption.
What comes to mind for me. Where are the users in relation to the geographic location of the resources they are trying to access? If the users and resources are on the otherside of the globe from each other, this will cause significant network delays.