Posted on
03:08 PM
- last edited
I’m getting installation errors from the Jamf push and trying to install the pkg manually. The admin machine I created the pkg on and my target laptop are on the same OS 10.14.6. I am using Jamf Admin and Composer 10.11.0. The application I’m trying to package is Cisco Anyconnect VPN with only Umbrella enabled, the rest of the modules are left disabled. Along with a json sheet that needs to be placed in opt/cisco/Anyconnect/umbrella folder for the Umbrella profile.
On the target machine I get the same results no matter if a previous version of Cisco anyconnect is already installed or not. I have tried both ways with a direct install, cache first then install, cache then install at start up. I get the same errors each time. I have tried to use different Cisco Anyconnect version. The newest I have is 4.8.02042 and I also tried with 4.5.05030. Again with the same errors.
On the target machine the Jamf log is similar to the message in the Jamf portal with a generic error. Within the install logs it gives more info but I havnt been able to google search the correct portion to find a solution.
Before I get to the wall of text that is the install log, I also tried to install the packages manually on the target machine and it says the software is not compatible with my OS. This is odd since it does install normally with the package from Cisco. I then removed cisco anyconnect from my admin machine and tried to run the packaged created on that machine with composer and it gives the same error that it is not compatible with my OS. Why does using composer to create the install package make the end product no longer compatible with my OS? For grins I redid all of this without the json file incase that was causing issues and still same errors.
I know I must pay penance for my many sins but I’m hopeful one of you enlightened gurus can show me the way.
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Product archive /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg trustLevel=100
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: External component packages (1) trustLevel=100 (trust evaluation failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=101 "The package “AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg” is not signed." UserInfo={NSURL=#payload.pkg -- file:///Library/Application%20Support/JAMF/Waiting%20Room/AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg#Distribution, PKInstallPackageIdentifier=anyconnectumbrellawithprofile, NSLocalizedDescription=The package “AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg” is not signed.})
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: location = file://localhost
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/Library/Application%20Support/JAMF/Waiting%20Room/AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg#payload.pkg
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Set authorization level to root for session
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Administrator authorization granted.
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Will use PK session
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Using authorization level of root for IFPKInstallElement
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Package Authoring Warning: Package will fail to install with System Integrity Protection feature enabled.
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Package Authoring Error: Package contains system content, and installation is expected to fail: Error Domain=IFInstallErrorDomain Code=-5000 "This package is incompatible with this version of macOS and may fail to install." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions=(
"Cancel Installation",
"Install Anyway"
), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Installing this package may damage your system, and the installation may fail. To stop the program and the installation, click “Cancel Installation”., IFSystemPathsKey=(
), NSLocalizedDescription=This package is incompatible with this version of macOS and may fail to install.}
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Starting installation:
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Configuring volume "Macintosh HD"
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Preparing disk for local booted install.
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Free space on "Macintosh HD": 210.29 GB (210285248512 bytes).
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Create temporary directory "/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//Install.5496uO7SNb"
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: IFPKInstallElement (1 packages)
2020-07-22 15:02:26-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Adding client PKInstallDaemonClient pid=5496, uid=0 (/usr/sbin/installer)
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: PackageKit: Enqueuing install with framework-specified quality of service (utility)
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: request=PKInstallRequest <1 packages, destination=/>
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: packages=(
"PKLeopardPackage <id=anyconnectumbrellawithprofile, version=1, url=file:///Library/Application%20Support/JAMF/Waiting%20Room/AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg#payload.pkg>"
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Set reponsibility for install to 5395
2020-07-22 15:02:27-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Library/Application%20Support/JAMF/Waiting%20Room/AnyconnectUmbrellaWithProfile.pkg#payload.pkg (destination=/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.activeSandbox/Root, uid=0)
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: prevent user idle system sleep
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: suspending backupd
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Using trashcan path /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/PKInstallSandboxTrash/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.sandboxTrash for sandbox /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.activeSandbox
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Shoving /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.activeSandbox/Root (5 items) to /
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 install_monitor[5498]: Temporarily excluding: /Applications, /Library, /System, /bin, /private, /sbin, /usr
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 shove[5499]: [src=unknown] /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/acsock.kext: unable to restore flags to destination (error 2)
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 shove[5499]: [source=dir, dst=notExist] failed _RelinkFile(/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.activeSandbox/Root/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/acsock.kext, /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/acsock.kext): Operation not permitted
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 shove[5499]: srcPath = /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/9F021D9A-91E9-402A-AF7B-D01B9BF430F5.activeSandbox/Root/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/acsock.kext NSFileOwnerAccountID=0 NSFileSystemFileNumber=1496507 NSFileExtensionHidden=0 NSFileSystemNumber=16777220 NSFileSize=96 NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID=0 NSFileOwnerAccountName=root NSFileCreationDate=2020-07-22 17:37:18 +0000 NSFilePosixPermissions=493 NSFileType=NSFileTypeDirectory NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName=wheel NSFileReferenceCount=3 NSFileModificationDate=2020-07-22 17:37:18 +0000
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 shove[5499]: dstParentPath = /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions NSFileOwnerAccountID=0 NSFileSystemFileNumber=687357 NSFileExtensionHidden=0 NSFileSystemNumber=16777220 NSFileSize=448 NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID=0 NSFileOwnerAccountName=root NSFileCreationDate=2019-08-02 03:45:13 +0000 NSFilePosixPermissions=493 NSFileType=NSFileTypeDirectory NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName=wheel NSFileReferenceCount=14 NSFileModificationDate=2020-07-22 14:16:46 +0000
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 install_monitor[5498]: Re-included: /Applications, /Library, /System, /bin, /private, /sbin, /usr
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: releasing backupd
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: allow user idle system sleep
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Install Failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=120 "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination., arguments=(
), NSUnderlyingError=0x7f927e850e90 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"}} {
NSLocalizedDescription = "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination.";
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"";
arguments = (
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Running idle tasks
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Removing client PKInstallDaemonClient pid=5496, uid=0 (/usr/sbin/installer)
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=120 "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc410603110 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"}, NSLocalizedDescription=An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination., arguments=(
2020-07-22 15:02:28-05 LarryTestMac5 installd[1703]: PackageKit: Done with sandbox removals
2020-07-22 15:02:29-05 LarryTestMac5 installer[5496]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
2020-07-22 15:11:57-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate[5583]: Starting softwareupdate CLI tool
2020-07-22 15:11:57-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: Adding client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=5583, uid=0, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/usr/sbin/softwareupdate)
2020-07-22 15:11:57-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: SUScan: Scan for client pid 542 (/System/Library/CoreServices/Software
2020-07-22 15:11:57-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: Got status 200
2020-07-22 15:11:57-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: SUScan: Using catalog
2020-07-22 15:11:58-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied (17.16.16065.0.0,0), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:11:59-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: JS: No bundle at/Applications/
2020-07-22 15:11:59-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:11:59-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:00-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:01-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: JS: 10.14.6
2020-07-22 15:12:01-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: JS: No bundle at/Applications/
2020-07-22 15:12:01-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: JS: No bundle at/Applications/
2020-07-22 15:12:02-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:02-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:07-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied (17.16.14263.0.0,0), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:07-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:07-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:07-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:07-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: bridgeOS: Minimum bridge version requirement satisfied ((null)), skipping search for bridgeOS update
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: SUScan: Fetched MajorOSInfo for 061-94403 - macOS Catalina (10.15.6)
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: SUScan: Elapsed scan time = 11.2
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: Handling notification event: BadgingCountChanged
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: AssertionMgr: Take assertion with type BackgroundTask for pid 541, id 0x8473
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: Refreshing available updates from scan
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: Handling notification event: BadgingCountChanged
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: Scan (f=1, d=0) completed
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: 8 updates found:
001-19837 | MRTConfigData 1.63
001-26311 | Security Update 2020-004 10.14.6
001-26323 | XProtectPlistConfigData 2126
041-91647 | Gatekeeper Configuration Data 140
061-26568 | CompatibilityNotificationData 1.0.6
061-26575 | Gatekeeper Configuration Data 181
061-90745 | Security Update 2020-002 10.14.6
061-98246 | Safari 13.1.2
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: SUAppStoreAgentNotifier: Setting badge count to 0: 001-26311 (no, not downloaded), 061-90745 (no, not downloaded), 061-98246 (no, not downloaded), (no, not seen or notified)
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdated[542]: Removing client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=5583, uid=0, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/usr/sbin/softwareupdate)
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: AssertionMgr: Cancel assertion for pid 541, id 0x8473
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: SUAppStoreAgentNotifier: Setting badge count to 0: 001-26311 (no, not downloaded), 061-90745 (no, not downloaded), 061-98246 (no, not downloaded), (no, not seen or notified)
2020-07-22 15:12:08-05 LarryTestMac5 softwareupdate_notify_agent[541]: AssertionMgr: Could not cancel assertion - no assertion found for pid 541
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 07-23-2020 04:19 AM
Same with the others, I use the installer package from the vendor with a choices.xml file that selects which additional modules are to be installed.
When installing with a postinstall script, you use the command:
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg /private/var/tmp/cisco_anyconnect/AnyConnect-4.8.pkg -applyChoiceChangesXML /private/var/tmp/cisco_anyconnect/choices.xml -target /
Posted on 07-22-2020 03:26 PM
We use version 4.8 for about a year, now testing 4.9. Both are fully compatible with Mojave and Catalina.
I do not repackage with Composer. That might help:
Posted on 07-22-2020 03:36 PM
Also, do you have Cisco added to Approved Kernel Extension?
Posted on 07-22-2020 05:56 PM
I've rolled out AnyConnect by using the package from the server. I don't make any changes to the package, I just push it out (after enabling the Kernel Extensions). I have a separate package for the /opt/cisco/Anyconnect/ folder.
This makes it so if I update my AnyConnect version later on down the road, I don't have to repackage everything. I just push out the new AnyConnect version and keep my same configuration package.
Posted on 07-23-2020 04:19 AM
Same with the others, I use the installer package from the vendor with a choices.xml file that selects which additional modules are to be installed.
When installing with a postinstall script, you use the command:
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg /private/var/tmp/cisco_anyconnect/AnyConnect-4.8.pkg -applyChoiceChangesXML /private/var/tmp/cisco_anyconnect/choices.xml -target /
Posted on 07-24-2020 06:39 AM
Thank you all for the responses @Tangentism nailed it.
Great quick responses, wonderful team here!
Thanks again :)