Time Machine Configuration Profile adds system disk to Exclude from Backups list

New Contributor

I am trying to create a basic Time Machine Configuration Profile to backup users to a SMB share.


After initially realising my mistake that the SMB share would need to authenticate based on the Computers AD credentials rather then the users credentials. (as the time machine process does not run as the console user) I am now able to see the SMB share listed as a valid time machine backup disk. 


The problem that I have is the client computers system disk has been added to the "Exclude from Backups list". Obviously I have not included this in the Configuration Profile and changing the various "Tick boxes" doesn't seem to help.


Is there a reason the computers system disk would be added to the "Exclude from Backups list" 


As part of the MDM profile?

As the result of the setting in another none time machine profile?

Due to a setting on the the system disk?


(Problem exists for both Arm and Intel's running Mac OS 15.2)

Any help appreciated 


New Contributor

The system disk being added to the "Exclude from Backups" list in your Time Machine Configuration Profile may be due to default macOS settings or an MDM policy conflict. macOS typically excludes system disks to prevent backing up system files that are already part of the OS.

Hi mnsasd


By the computers system disk I mean the computers built in ssd.