Tips and Tricks: Example post image script

Honored Contributor

So, here is my post image script in example format. Take what you want and run with it. Post any modifications that may help people here.


# This is a post image script for student laptops
# This script will do post configurations
# This is for the 2011-12 school year
# Kansas City, KS Public schools
#       By
#  Thomas Larkin
# set all variables here, these are hardcoded for the rest of the script
# will use echo for logging and debugging
# Local admin accounts
# only edit the variables of this script for future usage

# check for jamf binary


# now check if it exists

if [[ -e $jamfcheck ]]

    then /bin/echo "Jamf binary present, continuing as planned..."

    else /bin/echo "Jamf binary is not present, we need to halt" 

    exit 55


# adding OS detection variable in case it is needed later on

OSversion=`/usr/bin/sw_vers | /usr/bin/awk '/ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }'`

# enable logging for debugging purposes.  If script complete this file will be destroyed

# now proceed with local accounts
# set all desired names and passwords with in the quotes

admin1_long="Hidden Administrator"

# info for local admin account 2 to give to users who need ARD access

admin2_long="ARD Viewer"

# local student acccount in case no one can log in during deployment
# this is a temporary account and highly managed, users should log into their accounts


# if root accunt will be enabled, set password here


# set the firmware password here


# create a list of post image apps you would want deleted maintain your list here
# just add the full path with in the ( ), the script will call for this later on
# it will simulate a user logging in so any files that creates upon first log in can also 
# be wiped out

badfiles="/Library/Application Support/Bsecure/"

# Now, use this to maintain a list of files/Apps you want moved from the default location this
# Will also be done when the script later logs in local_admin1 to configure some settings
# This is mainly used for folder level access control via MCX moving apps you want to restrict
# to folders you will restrict certain groups from using via MCX


#  All variables, and user entered data should be stored above this line
#  There is NO NEED to edit anything below this line
#  This script assumes you are running DHCP on your network interfaces
#  There is one point below for custom trigger policies you will have to edit those
#  There is a sectin below to add custom trigger policies
#### end of variables ####  starting the script

# now create accounts

/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount -username "$admin1_short" -realname "$admin1_long" -password "$admin1_passwd" –home /private/var/$admin1_short –shell “/bin/bash” -hiddenUser -admin

/bin/sleep 5 #allow some time between accounts to ensure they create properly

/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount -username "$admin2_short" -realname "$admin2_long" -password "$admin2_passwd" –home /private/var/$admin2_short –shell “/bin/bash” -hiddenUser -admin

/bin/sleep 5 #allow some time between accounts to ensure they create properly

/usr/sbin/jamf createAccount -username "$local_stushort" -realname "$local_student" -password "$local_stupasswd" –home /Users/$local_stushort –shell “/bin/bash”

/bin/sleep 5

# now enable root

/usr/sbin/dsenableroot -u $admin1_short -p $admin1_passwd -r $root_passwd

/bin/echo "done creating local accounts"

# Now set some network preferences 

# require admin rights for ad_hoc creation

/usr/libexec/airportd en1 -ibss_admin 1

/bin/echo "adhoc networks require admin set"

# ensure that airport and ethernet are set to DHCP & set IPv6 off

/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off Ethernet

/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off Airport

/usr/sbin/networksetup -setdhcp Ethernet

/usr/sbin/networksetup -setdhcp Airport

# enable remote log in, ssh

/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin on

# enforce clear text passwords in AFP

/usr/bin/defaults write "afp_cleartext_allow" 1

/bin/echo "network configuration complete"

# ensure remote desktop is enabled for our local admin accounts

/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate

# now set access to remote desktop, refer to admin 1 and admin 2 from above

/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -users $admin1_short,$admin2_short -access -on -privs -all

/bin/echo "ARD client configured"

# bleow this point, put any custom trigger policies you want to be installed

# add the web filter client

/usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger addfilter

/bin/echo "Internet Filter is now installed..."

# add computrace to all HS laptops
# commenting this out for the middle school script

/usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger addcomputrace

/bin/echo "Comp-U-Trace installed!"

# install mcx for local student

/usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger studentmcx

# now to set up system settings like time zone, time server, etc
# firmware passwords

# set the time zone to US/Central

/usr/sbin/systemsetup -settimezone America/Chicago

# set the time server to our internal time server

/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on

/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver

# set the firmware password

/usr/sbin/setregproptool -m command -p "$FirmWarePW" -o ${FirmWarePW}

/bin/echo "System settings now configured"

# Now that system settings have been set we will log in as local admin, and customize 
# our pristine install.  Move certain apps to restrict by file path for later MCX management
# For this part of the script we will use Apple Script
# commenting this out for now, no longer needed.
#/usr/bin/osascript <<AppleScript
#   tell application "System Events" 
#      keystroke "$local_stushort" 
#      keystroke return 
#      delay 3.0 
#      keystroke "$local_stupasswd" 
#      delay 3.0 
#      keystroke tab 
#      keystroke return 
#  end tell

# give it a few seconds to fully log in

/bin/sleep 25

# we also need to purge any unwanted files, the the filter client splash screen for example
# this should be done after all packages have been installed
# add any full path of a file you wish to get rid of inside the ( )

/bin/echo "Now proceeding to remove unwanted apps"

for file in "${badfiles[@]}" ; do

if [[ -e $file ]]

     then /bin/rm -rf $file

     else /bin/echo "$file is already destroyed"



# Now we will move any applications we don't want users to have access to from 
# the applications folder to /Applications/Utilties and have MCX disallow apps to
# run from /Applications/Utilies on managed user accounts
# put full app paths in here spaces are allowed if you stay inside the quotes
# see beginning of script to set these file paths

# now move those apps 

for file in "${app_list[@]}" ; do

if [[ -e $file ]]

    then /bin/mv $file /Applications/Utilities/

    else /bin/echo "$file already moved"


/bin/echo "done moving apps"

#  Put any custom trigger policies that require a user to be logged in here:

# test to see if systemis running 10.6, if it is execute from command line, if not execute the add wifi pkg in Casper

case $OSversion in 

     10.5*) `/usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger addwireless`;;
     10.6*) `/usr/sbin/networksetup -addpreferredwirelessnetworkatindex Airport usd500_wpa 0 WPA2 mypasskey`;;


# Now we must purge the system log to get rid of any passwords that may be in plain text

# now apply MCX settings to our local account

/bin/rm -rf /var/log/*

/bin/echo "purged logs"

# reset policies that need to run again

/usr/sbin/jamf FlushPolicyHistory

# rebooting system one more time so all mcx and updates and first run boot polices run through

/sbin/shutdown -h +1 &

exit 0

Now things are commented out because at some point I used them, but I left them there in case I ever needed them again.


Honored Contributor

This is an older version I copied/pasted together and change passwords and stuff in so use for example purposes.

Valued Contributor

Thanks for posting this script. It's been a big help to me.

New Contributor III

looks good, quick question, the admin / root password is in clear text in the script, the script lives on the Casper share that is 'read only' to the world.

Doesn't this worry you?

Honored Contributor
looks good, quick question, the admin / root password is in clear text in the script, the script lives on the Casper share that is 'read only' to the world. Doesn't this worry you?

No, not really. Casper spins random passwords and the only two accounts that have read/write access to the Casper share are pretty secure. No one knows them but me. They aren't written down anywhere, and I have never had anyone get a hold of the script. All local logs are flushed at the end of the script so it is like it never ran.

If you are really concerned you can create the user accounts in Casper in the JSS and have them deploy post image.