Posted on 10-09-2018 11:00 AM
We are getting ready to launch a project to implement jamf PRO (thankfully), but I'm stuck in a cart before the horse scenario.
We have hired a jamf PRO/Mac certified engineer, but I'm supposed to go through training also. The problem is as I'm going through the jamf 100 training I can't actually do any of the practicals with jamf, since jamf NOW is not like jamf PRO. Once we have a dev instance it shouldn't be a problem, but in the interim I can't really prepare and when the project is going getting the time will be more difficult.
Also note, the approval for my getting the Training Pass is in progress, but without the practical experience our certified engineer tells me it will be difficult, but if I can train before it is better...
How can I get a PRO setup (one limited in number of devices), that I can practice the training on?